You can help your loved one with memory loss.

Helping Your Loved One with Memory Loss

A sense of helplessness is a familiar feeling experienced when memory issues become apparent in our loved ones. On the contrary, taking action and helping your loved ones with memory loss is potentially the greatest gift we could ever give them. Snapshot of Warning Signs for Alzheimer’s Experiencing memory issues in our later years is …

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Know the truth about Low T

The Truth About Low T

Low testosterone (low T) affects millions of men in the U.S. While sexual dysfunction is the top association for this condition, a testosterone deficiency causes other symptoms. Aside from the physical side of this condition, there are other emotional and relationship impacts. There is a lot of misconceptions and falsehoods surrounding low T that can …

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Men get bunions too

Men Get Bunions Too

Women are often more associated with bunions because of the fancy footwear, despite their comfort. Ill-fitting shoes aren’t the only cause, and bunions can be incredibly painful. Men get bunions too, but the reason may surprise you. Bunion Causes A bunion is a painful bump that forms on the outside of the big toe. It …

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How serious is a schizophrenia diagnosis?

How Serious is a Schizophrenia Diagnosis?

Schizophrenia is a chronic disorder, and fears about it rarely contain any truth. While it can be serious, a diagnosis of schizophrenia doesn’t mean a life of never-ending worsening symptoms and recurring hospitalizations. It means setting aside the myths that say you can’t get better, embarking on the treatments that have proven you can. Symptoms …

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Discerning the Difference: Bipolar Disorder and Depression

Discerning the Difference- Bipolar Disorder and Depression

Bipolar disorder is often confused with depression mainly because it includes depressive episodes. They have other similarities that can muddy the water and cause further confusion. Discerning the difference between bipolar disorder and depression starts with understanding each’s symptoms. Bipolar and Depression Symptoms The main difference between the two is that bipolar refers to opposite …

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Should I be worried about NASH?

Should I Be Worried About NASH?

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver condition in the United States. The condition develops when the liver stores excess amounts of fat. Approximately 25 percent of U.S. adults have NAFLD. Of those, about 20 percent have NASH (5% of adults in the U.S.), a more severe form of the disease …

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Research group offers free screenings for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Research group offers free screenings for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver disease has no symptoms Are you getting enough exercise? Are you eating right? It’s easier said than done. There’s a medical condition that affects a lot of people here in South Texas and some of the risk factors include being overweight, family history or not being active enough. Clay Dehn, vice president of …

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Supporting Someone with Schizophrenia

Supporting Someone with Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a challenging brain disorder that affects how a person acts, thinks, and sees the world. It often makes it difficult to think clearly, regulate emotions, distinguish reality, and relate to others. If you have a loved one with schizophrenia, supporting them can make a huge difference by helping them find the right treatment, …

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