Know the truth about Low T

The Truth About Low T

Low testosterone (low T) affects millions of men in the U.S. While sexual dysfunction is the top association for this condition, a testosterone deficiency causes other symptoms. Aside from the physical side of this condition, there are other emotional and relationship impacts. There is a lot of misconceptions and falsehoods surrounding low T that can …

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Learn the signs of pediatric migraines

Recognizing Migraines in Kids and Teens

Headaches and migraines can happen to anyone, at any age, including young children and teens. The intricacies and symptoms of the disorder are different in children than in adults. At the same time, children aren’t always able to communicate their symptoms in detail. As a result, many patients go undiagnosed for years. Given this, parents …

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Men get bunions too

Men Get Bunions Too

Women are often more associated with bunions because of the fancy footwear, despite their comfort. Ill-fitting shoes aren’t the only cause, and bunions can be incredibly painful. Men get bunions too, but the reason may surprise you. Bunion Causes A bunion is a painful bump that forms on the outside of the big toe. It …

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Healthy volunteers can create a healthier future

Top Reasons Why Healthy Volunteers Participate in Clinical Research

Clinical research is an essential tool the scientific community uses when evaluating specific medical treatments and their effect on the body. Research studies need different types of individuals to participate in them—those who are healthy and others who may have illnesses. There are many reasons to participate in clinical research studies. Here are some of …

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Setting the stage: Fatty liver disease

Setting the Stage: Fatty Liver Disease

When setting a stage, a lot goes into the preparation to make sure everything is just right. The same can be said about most diseases. In this case, the stage is your body. Your lifestyle choices and what you consume could be setting the stage for conditions like fatty liver disease. And that’s a show …

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How serious is a schizophrenia diagnosis?

How Serious is a Schizophrenia Diagnosis?

Schizophrenia is a chronic disorder, and fears about it rarely contain any truth. While it can be serious, a diagnosis of schizophrenia doesn’t mean a life of never-ending worsening symptoms and recurring hospitalizations. It means setting aside the myths that say you can’t get better, embarking on the treatments that have proven you can. Symptoms …

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Discerning the Difference: Bipolar Disorder and Depression

Discerning the Difference- Bipolar Disorder and Depression

Bipolar disorder is often confused with depression mainly because it includes depressive episodes. They have other similarities that can muddy the water and cause further confusion. Discerning the difference between bipolar disorder and depression starts with understanding each’s symptoms. Bipolar and Depression Symptoms The main difference between the two is that bipolar refers to opposite …

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